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Who Made My Clothes | Fashion Revolution
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Who Made My Clothes | Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution Day is fast becoming a recognised event in the calendar. Originally created after the 2013 Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh which killed more than 1,100 workers, for the past two years on the 24th April, Fashion Revolution has aimed to raise awareness of where high-street or designer clothes come from, and make the world think about the welfare of the workers behind them. Using the hashtag #whomademyclothes, thousands of people take to social media wearing inside-out garments in order to make brands and even other members of the public think about the ethical side of fashion. This year even celebrities like Stella McCartney took to Instagram to find out who was holding the needle and thread and making some of their favourite items.Fashion_Revolution_feeldesain_01Fashion_Revolution_feeldesain_01a

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