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The art of waiting
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“The art of waiting” is the latest project designed by Ignant Studio for the editorial A. Lange & Söhne photographed by André Hemstedt & Tine Reimer.

The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future regarded as a whole.
But what do we do with that rather luxurious concept of the whole? What is time, and how should we spend it?

We looked at the manual movement of the 1815 Annual Calendar watch and considered the actions that we ourselves make in relation to time.

Instead of pondering how quickly time runs, the editorial looks at moments spent waiting; those moments when time moves slowly.
Defined as the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or event, it would be easy to assume that waiting induces stasis, a slowing of time, a halt to act.

Yet, even when we’re waiting we’re in motion; an unconscious tapping of feet and fingers, a yawn, a sigh. Without realizing, we set ourselves in familiar positions—slumped against walls this way, and then that. Set against a brutalist backdrop, we explored the art of waiting in both darkness and in light, showing that time is ever moving; even when it appears to have stopped.

With a manually wound movement, analog date, day and month indications, as well as a moon-phase display, the 1815 Annual Calendar presents itself as the classic interpretation of a complication that is both attractive and useful

Project by IGNANT studio | In collaboration with A. Lange & Söhne 

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