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Balance | N. Fumiko Schaub
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Balance | N. Fumiko Schaub

Nadine Fumiko Schaub : “This project is focusing on the relationship and the emotional bond between product and user – also questioning today’s consumer society which has lost the appreciation for what a product means, the value it embeds and the impact they have on our lives. Balance is the result of a deep research process in which the focus lays in the actual meaning and story of a product.The aim of this project is to strengthen the emotional bond between consumer and product through interactive experience and a storytelling product. I am convinced of the affect emotions have on the user’s perception of his or her belongings. Thus setting the scene for emotions to arouse, may enable long lasting relationships between user and product. The mechanical scale has been banned from the kitchen in the past few years. It has been replaced by unemotional products that are rather exchanged than repaired.”

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