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Take Over: the latest work by Andrés Reisinger that floods cities with pink
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Rome, New York, Tokyo, London and Paris and are the five cities chosen by the digital artist Andrés Reisinger for his colossal artwork “Take Over”.

It is a series of digital installations that go beyond time and space, invading these world capitals to give them a dreamlike and surreal tone.

Pink is the undisputed protagonist of this project which recalls the impressive Land Art installations in terms of theme and shapes, when Christo & Jean-Claude wrapped up the monuments, invading places and giving them a new connotation.

Take Over – Rome

The turning point in Andrés’ research lies in the method that is used: it is in fact a parallel world, built through 3D reality, thus making the works of art not only accessible, in terms of movement by everyone, but also “downloadable” via a click.

It is possible that it is the new frontier in the way of perceiving art, but it is certainly an effective method to convey a creative message.

Physical and digital reality merge and the boundaries between art and technology become increasingly blurred, so as to confuse the gaze and suggest questions.

The cities that are not immediately recognizable, wrapped in an austere aura, are illuminated and decorated by pop color which, through fabrics, furs and coverings, invades the corners of the five cities, declaring itself as an immediately recognizable signal.

Take Over – New York
Take Over – Tokyo
Take Over – London

Take Over – Paris

More about land art

Via / ObjectsMag

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