DesignWars Team is proud to present the “Colorful Escape” Video.It conserns the making of a graffiti that took place in a suburban spot in Athens, Greece. It’s concept is originated mainly from the area’s surrounding (deserted area, unhabited structures, litter and empty cans) and influenced by space and nature.
Graffiti Artist: Lune82. A graffiti writer and self-employed artist born in Athens. The intense chilhood interest in drawing and painting abstract landscapes led Lune82 to graffiti n 1996. From 1998 and until today, Lune82 is painting more intensivelyand literally without a pause.
Despite the cold and rainy day, we enjoyed it as much and we hope you do to! If that’s the case, we would be very grateful whether you uploaded it on your own webspace and thus contributing to the fundamental cause and philosophy of DesignWars: Spreading the Inspiration and the Expression through Art.
Colorful Escape from DESIGNWARS on Vimeo.
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