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A colourful world by Marco Oggian x Galaxy S10
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Put together some simple geometric shapes with sparkling colors and you’ll have the perfect formula of Marco Oggian unique style.

During the past year Oggian designed a series of incredible wallpaper for the launch of the Galaxy S10.

Samsung invited the young spanish artist along with other incredible ones, to make three wallpapers per month during the last 6 months of 2019 for the campaign of the Galaxy S10 / S10 Plus and Galaxy Note10 / 10 Plus models.

Designers from We Are Social and Pocko have chosen three important recurring themes to be illustrated on dedicated devices, month by month.

“The characteristic of the 3 models is undoubtedly the front camera” said Marco ” which is integrated in the screen and the challenge was to make each illustration trying to interact with the hole”.

He was born and raised in Italy and spent nine years working on over 150 different projects with 300 or more drafts. He spent a lot of time working and managed to get published in more than 20 books about design, branding, illustration, typography and photography. During this time he has lived and worked in Milano, Berlin, LA, A Coruña (where he’s living right now) and several South American countries. Also, exhibiting in Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, London, Seoul and Tokyo.

Marco has wanted to be illustrator since he was just a little kid. Describing his style as “simple, strong, a five-year-old could do better”, it seems that a lot of that energy has stayed with him. Although most children don’t quite have Marco’s client base, there’s definitely more than a touch of the playful to the Italian illustrator’s colourful approach. But his simple shapes and bright colours are often deployed to highlight more serious issues.

All wallpapers are available for download in the Galaxy Store.

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