When it comes to The Simpsons cartoons, there may be no bigger fan than illustrator and art director Adrien Noterdaem. Noterdaem has quite the flair for drawing “simpsonized” renderings of pop culture figures, including the casts of Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad, Steven Spielberg, Don Draper from Mad Men, the Big Lebowski, and even the musical group Daft Punk. And the list goes on.
Check out Noterdaem’s Tumblr drawthesimpsons, where he posts one new simsponized character for your viewing pleasure each working day!
Paris Hilton
Daft Punk
Dr. House
Rafael Nadal
Serena Williams
Jay Z and Kanye West
Nicki Minaj
Psy – Gangnam Style
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Via: dashburst.com