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Seachange creates the most powerful green brand identity
Full Article 3 minutes read

Seachange creates the most powerful green brand identity for the leading commercial compostable waste collection service, We Compost.

The whole system is based on a simple concept: the organic waste can be repurposed as a soil nutrient which can then play a role in developing local and sustainable methods of regional food production.

The challenge of turning this into a consistent resource comes down to good waste management, both on the part of households and collection services. Few of the latter exist, however, in Auckland, We Compost intends to make this a widespread reality. Collecting over 40,000 kg of organic waste and diverting it from going to landfill each week We Compost has grown over the last seven years to become the city’s leading commercial compostable waste collection service.

With a desire to continue this growth, We Compost worked with design studio Seachange to help with brand positioning and visual identity, to better align it with their ambitions, make it an every household mainstay and to move it beyond those already invested in ecological challenges and solutions.

To achieve this, Seachange’s strategy sought to find a fresh graphic approach to compostable waste management and collection, to find a fun, modern and accessible route that would be an invitation to all ages and types of households to get involved. The studio achieved this by way of a custom typeface that draws on the crucial role worms play in the process of composting, and pairs this with a variety of greens.

A range of patterns and statements deliver a convivial and recognisable immediacy across differing of contexts, these included bin liners, t-shirts, business cards, posters and website.

One of the central challenges revolved around reimaging the visual world of composting, one that Seachange rightly describe as being saturated with leaf logos, recycling symbols and “overly worthy messages”. Creating something playful and nurturing, rather than continuing to draw on the impersonal mechanics of sorting and the civic and social responsibilities (and feeling of imposition) of recycling feels like a sensible route to stand out and develop an interest in younger citizens.

The worm becomes a useful and universal entry point, a way to speak about the service and the process. A custom typeface, ‘Worms Display’, neatly weaves together words and distinctive imagery.


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