BNP Paribas Real Estate and Il Prisma go REDEFINING the architecture of Tortona district during the Milan Design week ’14.
The requalification of a 10.000 sqmt. building in the core of Tortona district becomes the occasion for BNP Paribas Real Estate and the architectural firm Il Prisma to get in touch with the city and collect as many ideas and inputs as possible from design lovers, citizens and whoever wanted to share his idea for a better city.
The #REDEFINE TORTONA hashtag will cover different topics for each day: #REDEFINE your LIFESTYLE, CITY, WORK, HOME, TORTONA ’15. Two redefiners will write on black board and post live all suggestions on Facebook and Twitter timelines of IlPrisma: start or keep following us!
A web institutional show schedule accompanied by a vertical “social” one are doomed to unveiling the key projectual characteristics of BNP Paribas Real Estate building. Further details on project are available on
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