The abstract works of Cristian Grossi relates fashion, graphic design and children illustration. The study of colors and imaginative shapes have a great impact, and grows its roots in the sensitive analysis of the emotional world.
Ever since he was a teenager he has been fascinated by the ephemeral nature of the Nature. What starts out as vision soon becomes debased into a tragedy of greed, leaving only a sense of decadence and the prospect of a new understanding.
With influences as diverse as Aubrey Beardsley, Liberty and Deco, new combinations are crafted from both explicit and implicit layers.
Cristian Grossi è designer ed illustratore per pubblicità e moda.Parte sempre dal disegno a mano che elabora per arrivare al tratto puro della computer graphic. Rinnova frequentemente il suo stile in continua sperimentazione di nuovi media e nuove tecniche espressive. È tra i fondatori dello studio Kreativehouse e ha un pugno di amici fidati tra i quali un cane nero di nome Gaia.
Cristian Grossi personal portfolio: