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Oneiric Artworks | Cristian Grossi
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Oneiric Artworks | Cristian Grossi

cristian grossi germinantes uomo mondo Cristian Grossi oneiric artworks
cristian grossi takeme to the garden of paradise Cristian Grossi oneiric artworks

cristian grossi shine my darling shine Cristian Grossi oneiric artworks

The abstract works of Cris­t­ian Grossi relates fash­ion, graphic design and chil­dren illus­tra­tion. The study of col­ors and imag­i­na­tive shapes have a great impact, and grows its roots in the sen­si­tive analy­sis of the emo­tional world.

Ever since he was a teenager he has been fas­ci­nated by the ephemeral nature of the Nature. What starts out as vision soon becomes debased into a tragedy of greed, leav­ing only a sense of deca­dence and the prospect of a new under­stand­ing.
With influ­ences as diverse as Aubrey Beard­s­ley, Lib­erty and Deco, new com­bi­na­tions are crafted from both explicit and implicit lay­ers.
Cristian Grossi è designer ed illustratore per pubblicità e moda.Parte sempre dal disegno a mano che elabora per arrivare al tratto puro della computer graphic. Rinnova frequentemente il suo stile in continua sperimentazione di nuovi media e nuove tecniche espressive. È tra i fondatori dello studio Kreativehouse e ha un pugno di amici fidati tra i quali un cane nero di nome Gaia.
Cris­t­ian Grossi per­sonal port­fo­lio: www​.crix​t​ian​.it


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