Napkin table is a portable dining bar for two that can be folded down to a small size, making it handy to carry around.
The purse-like carrier comprises a pair of straps on either side that attach around the neck, just like a necklace. Once the two diners fasten the clips around them, the fabric stretches into a surface for them to put plates, forks and cups onto. small stitched pockets allow for utensils to be tucked inside while a cut-out ring holds a drink in place. Designed by Michael Jan, graduates of industrial design from the Tunghai University in Taiwan, the product responds to the dining culture that is influenced by modern technology.
‘Communication should make us more convenient to connect with others, however, it seems like we are more unfamiliar with our friends when sitting on the dining table. this conclusion has inspired us to figure out if there is a new dining experience which can improve the relationship and interaction between people when eating.’
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