Ingenuity knows no bounds; sky is the limit. The same thing applies to art. Creative artists, every now and then, come up with something different that others didn’t even think of, ever. And, their creations remain in our minds as young as ever. Well, we’re here going to introduce you to ‘Dirty car art’ which is that’s nothing less than a marvel. Check out in the images below to know how the creative artist, Scott Wade, has converted cars into running canvases and these cars talk to people differently through the eyes of their mind.
Art getting finishing touch from the artist on Mazda3
Cool Dirty Car Art on Toyota
Inside Edition: American Gothic made using dust on Mazda
Inside Edition: Deborah on Mini Cooper
Footballer Ronaldinho portrait using dust on Mini Cooper
Message on car written using dust on Mini cooper
Rapture of Pop-N-Fresh Art on Mazda Hatchback
Mona Lisa carved on Mini cooper
Hylas & the Nymphs crafted on Honda Fit Dyno
Love for pet display via Car Art on Mini Cooper
Dirty Car Art on Toyota Yaris Hatchback
Happy Holidays Art on Mazda3 Hatchback
Texas Women Art on Mazda3 Hatchback
Albert Einstein portrait on Mini cooper
Elf’nt Ears art carved on the Mini cooper