8,000 Rum Bottles. 171 unique Labels.
To help the flood-ravaged hometown of Bundaberg, Leo Burnett Sydney created a limited edition rum with 171 different lables — one for each of the city’s flood-affected streets. Housed in this unique package that exactly replicates the arteries of Bundy. “Bundaberg Rum Road to Recovery” raised over $2 million for the relief effort.
Creative solution: This unique package perfectly replicates the streets of Bundaberg, reclaiming them from the floodwaters. They were auctioned off at the Distillery event, raising money for the relief effort.
Results: 6000 people came to Bundy injecting an estimated 2.5 million into the local economy. Sales of Road to Recovery raised $300,000 for flood relief.
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Sydney, Australia
Creative Director: Andy DiLallo, Vince Lagana, Grant McAloon
Copywriter: Michael Dawson, Mark Schoeller
Art Director: Ben Alden, Chris Moreira
Photographer: Christopher Ireland
Laser Embellishing: Blazze Laser Embellishing
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