Putting a name to a face has the potential to be an intimidating process, but this Andy Alcala ‘Diggin’ FaceArtists’ collection makes identifying fun and fascinating. The artist takes classic paintings by famous artists and redo them to fit on a young boy’s face.
The result is stunning, as placing well-known artwork on a human face adds an entirely different 3D dimension to the designs. One can even make a game out of the art of trying to name the artist and year of each replica. Famous names include Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol.
Ci sono tanti modi di amare un’opera d’arte: uno di questi è dipingersela sulla faccia. Andy Alcala è un ragazzo di vent’anni che, nel suo bel portfolio fotografico, ha dato grande rilievo alla ricerca sull’autoscatto e l’autoritratto. L’ultimo progetto, in corso, lo vede trasferire sul suo viso, collo e parte alta del torso alcuni dei capolavori dell’arte moderna e contemporanea, con risultati sorprendenti.
If Vincent Van Gogh where alive today, we think he would be proud to see his Starry Night on the face of Andy Alcala. The young artist has been painting representations of famous masterworks from his torso up for a while now and shows no sign of stopping. Can you imagine the patience required to paint these backwards in a mirror on your own face? Check out his flickr sets for more.
The Scream Edvard Munch (1893)
Alcala notes that “One: No. 31″ by Jackson Pollock was the hardest to paint: “Going with the spirit of Jackson Pollock the canvas (my face) for this picture was on the floor with the paint being dripped on from above. You’d be suprised how hard it is to make this drip affect when you’re the only one working on it. I had to think of creative ways to get the paint to act like it would with Pollock because simply using a brush and the paint wasn’t working.”
One: No. 31 Jackson Pollock (1950)
Campbells Soup Can Andy Warhol (1962)
Composition II in Red Blue and Yellow Piet Mondrian (1930)
The Son of Man Rene Magritte (1964)
#6 (After “Untitled 1975″) Jasper Johns (1976)
Trans Flux Kenneth Noland (1963)
Girl with Balloon Banksy (2004)
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