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The Eco iPhone Amp
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The Eco iPhone Amp

Although we absolutely love our Apple iPhones, the device has always been lacking the high sound output some of us audiophiles crave. The Eco iPhone Amp is certainly a step in the right direction, both in terms sound output and sustainable design.

While it may not suffice the cravings of the most extreme audiophiles, we definitely enjoy the design.  Created by the Los Angeles based team at Eco-Made, the device is essentially nothing more than a folded piece of recycle paper designed to mimic the functionality of an old Gramophone player. It may not look like much, but it is supposed to increase volume to a level of 30 dB, which is quite an improvement over the standard speaker output.

Eco-Made Amp Sound Amplifier for Apple iPhone (3)

Eco-Made Amp Sound Amplifier for Apple iPhone (2)

Eco-Made Amp Sound Amplifier for Apple iPhone (1)

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