Tag: poster design

Pictogram Music Posters

Pictogram Music Posters

Viktor Hertz | Pictogram Music Posters Hertz has returned back to his (pictogram) roots but, this time, instead of movies he’s tackling famous songs, creating some very clever music posters out of their titles. “So, I thought I’d continue with the...

The Art of Negative Space

The Art of Negative Space

The Art of Negative Space | Selected illustrations employing negative space by Tang Yau Hoong The art of negative space. An attempt to tell a story through illustration. In Nostalgic Mood. Coexistence. T-shirt Beware of Those Hands. T-shirt / Thermos hydration bottle Day vs. Night. T-shirt...



I’MPRINTING è una serie di workshop in Archivio Tipografico dove l’apprendimento è sperimentazione, sporcandosi le mani com’era in principio. La collaborazione con Archivio Tipografico ha permesso a Thype di portare l’esperienza della stampa a caratteri mobili ai propri soci, attraverso l’utilizzo...

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