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Surf City Surf Dog Competition
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Surf City Surf Dog Competition

Surf dogs ruled the waves over the weekend in the third annual Surf City Surf Dog competition held in Huntington Beach, California on Sunday. Twenty nine dogs participated in the event which began at 10am in the morning. Each dog was given up to 40 minutes to show their ability to stay on a surfboard and ride it to shore.

Impavidi sulla tavola, con le loro mute colorate, a sfidare le fredde onde della California. E pure con un certo stile: Huntington Beach, una delle più celebri destinazioni negli Usa per gli amanti dei cavalloni, ha ospitato il Surf dog weekend. Una quarantina di cani hanno partecipato alla competizione sotto gli occhi di fan e orgogliosi padroni che non hanno staccato gli occhi dalle loro ardite evoluzioni acquatiche.

A dog rides a wave at a s 029 Surf City Surf Dog competition
A dog shakes his head bef 020 Surf City Surf Dog competition
An owner carries his dog 034 Surf City Surf Dog competition
A dog climbs back onto hi 030 Surf City Surf Dog competition



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