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Mekkanika Experimental Typeface
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Mekkanika Experimental Typeface

Mekkanika is a mind-blowing experimental typeface by Italian designer Riccardo Sabatini based on the Din Alternate Black font. Sabatini scanned hundreds of mechanical technical drawings and used the component pieces to create each intricate letterform, leaving no letter, number, Autobot or Decepticon logo unfinished. Take a deep dive through this epic project on Behance. He even provides a soundtrack.

    • An animated hyper-fast images sequence of the posters previously displayed.

    • Another animation showing the composition process of the letters, starting from filling the space of the letter base (Din Alternate Black font) with the mechanical elements and then adjusting colours and tones to the final layout of the poster.

    • Here another quick animated gif showing each mechanical element I’ve used to compose the letters.


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