The latest Pixar animated short La Luna, written and directed by Enrico Casarosa, is nothing short of a masterpiece. La Luna is the longest ever Pixar short at 7 minutes, and is featured at the beginning of Disney/Pixar’s Brave.There is a reason why this short has already been nominated for a 2012 Academy Award for Best Short Film, Animated and 2012 Annie Award for Best Animated Short Subject. I am an astrophysicist by training, so its likely that anything with stars and the moon is generally to get acclaims from me, and while obviously not scientifically accurate, this story has the making of a legend.
La Luna is a touching coming of age story of a young boy. Bambino’s first night working with his father and grandfather is exciting to say the least. On a very dark night, Father and Papa row the trio far out to sea to the middle of nowhere where they stop and wait. When Bambino discovers his family’s custodial line of work is far from ordinary, he must chose between the traditions of his father, grandfather, or find his own niche in the family business.
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