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The Old Man and the Sea | Nina Cornelison
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The Old Man and the Sea | Nina Cornelison

We’ve seen some tinned books before on Feel Desain, and today we have a different kind to show you. This packaging of the classic novel The Old Man And The Sea was a student project by Nina Cornelison, who wanted to create a minimal design using vintage travel posters as inspiration. The sardine tin design references the nautical theme of the book itself, while the colours reflect Cuba, where the story is set.


Images: Roy Richardson for Nina Cornelison via Packaging of the Worldoldmanandthesea_feeldesain_01 oldmanandthesea_feeldesain_02 oldmanandthesea_feeldesain_03 oldmanandthesea_feeldesain_04 oldmanandthesea_feeldesain_05 oldmanandthesea_feeldesain_06

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