Street Art in New York City
You get a chance to go out to the park this weekend and sit under a tree or throw a frisbee? It’s not that far to walk really and its good to reacquaint oneself with nature and barking dogs and...
You get a chance to go out to the park this weekend and sit under a tree or throw a frisbee? It’s not that far to walk really and its good to reacquaint oneself with nature and barking dogs and...
Andrew Mace shows us a spectacular side of New York City – one that we’ve never seen before. The photographer focuses on so many beautiful aspects of his hometown – including the gorgeous skylines, bridges, and cityscapes – it’s no...
‘the museum of comic and cartoon art’ by erick kristanto in new york all images courtesy erick kristanto new york-based graduate erick kristanto has sent us images of his entry into the ‘museum of comic and cartoon art’ competition set...
Urban Pyramid in NYC // Piramide Urbana a New York City Gli architetti danesi BIG hanno recentemente presentato il loro progetto per un nuovo edificio residenziale che verrebbe situato a Manhattan, New York. Il progetto può ospitare 600 unità abitati...
Una serie bellissima che ha come tema i Drinks, realizzata dal brasiliano Fabio Rex. Ci insegna i giusti ingredienti per realizzare perfettamente i nostri drinks preferiti!