CANLOVE Spray Bouquet
Here are a few of the latest and greatest Spray Bouquets designs we’ve been up to. All of these unique color-ways have gone into the hands of happy collectors, but if you are interested in collecting your own one of...
Here are a few of the latest and greatest Spray Bouquets designs we’ve been up to. All of these unique color-ways have gone into the hands of happy collectors, but if you are interested in collecting your own one of...
Amazing Screaming Flowers Advertising by United Colors of Benetton!!! Turn up the volume and enjoy the video!!!!!
Don’t you like classic nail?!?! Take a look to flower nails by Masaharu Ono…very particulars!! BUY IT HERE Don’t forget to follow Feeldesain on Twitter + Facebook + Pinterest to get all the latest updates.
In this post we showcased Floral X-Ray pictures by Brendan Fitzpatrick. Brenden is a photographer for over twenty years and for the past seven years he has been living and working in Singapore. As an ambitious eighteen year old student...
Escape to your garden without ever leaving your desk. Harvest your own crop in a matter of weeks (no wellies required!). Backyard gardens are great for the soul, tending your own tiny patch will be rewarding and therapeutic. Postcarden is...
Each painting is constructed by beginning with a monochrome underpainting in the complement of the featured subject. Subsequent layers of semi-opaque through to transparent colors follow with up to ten passes before the end result is achieved. The process is...
This series is inspired partially by Todd McLellan’s Disassembly series. Qi Wei says about this project: “Exploded flowers which are images that show the radial symmetry of flowers, and also individual floral components. The act of disassembly (I hesitate to...