Tag: Fine Arts

Russ Mills | New Works

Russ Mills | New Works

Amazing graphic design/illustration series by Russ Mills. You can buy it HERE. Enjoy the photogallery below. More Russ Mils works HERE  More Russ Mils works HERE More Russ Mils works HERE Don’t forget to follow Feeldesain on Twitter + Facebook  + Pinterest to get all the latest updates.

Chaos und Ordnung

Chaos und Ordnung

Amazing Inside Out drawings by german-based artist Simon Prades! Ink on paper, each 50 x 70 cm, 2010 Images of daily newspapers  have been collected and arranged in large ink drawings,filling shapes of three animals with disasters of the human...

Playwood Artworks

Playwood Artworks

Series of six playwood artworks From digital illustrations to handmade artworks I’ve created a series of six plywood artworks, which were exhibited last week at Faces and Laces Street Culture Show, Moscow. I’ve spent a month and a half working...

I am not a robot

I am not a robot

I AM NOT A ROBOT | Hajnal Miklós   Larva 2011, water colour, 18×12 cm Bull 2011, water colour, 18×12 cm The swallower 2011, water colour, 18×12 cm The healer 2011, water colour, 18×12 cm Bio Dartveder 2011, water colour, 18×12...

Urban Zoom

Urban Zoom

“Manhattan Zoom”, USA 2006 Enjoy Jakob Wagner Photography project called: URBAN ZOOM “London Zoom”, UK 2007 “Coney Island Zoom #1”, USA 2007 “Amsterdam Zoom #1”, Netherlands 2006 “Coney Island Zoom #2”, USA 2007 “Duesseldorf Zoom #1”, Germany 2009 “Duesseldorf Zoom...

Citycab posters

Citycab posters

  Created by Antrepo Design Industry as “Citycab poster” and it shows , taxies/yellow cabs from 4 different city, NYC, London, Istanbul, Mexico City also It is available separately in the Citycab Poster Section. BUY NOW HERE [via]

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