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WA|HH Quantum Sensations | Become INSTANTANEOUSLY drunk
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WA|HH Quantum Sensations | Become INSTANTANEOUSLY drunk

Here is the “Wahh Quantum Sensations“. Behind this name hides a gadget invented by David Edwards and designed by Philippe Starck that promises to turn you instantaneously drunk for a few seconds, without the harmful effects of alcohol (no hangover!). Indeed, the “Wahh Quantum Sensations” contains 21 sprays which pulverizes each 0.075 ml of alcohol in your mouth, the minimum amount to stimulate your brain. The diffusion process is studied for a single spray provides a very short feeling of intoxication. The “Wahh Quantum Sensations” will be priced at € 20. I really want to try this gadget!

The news and blogosphere has been buzzing (pardon the pun) about a new spray that gets you instantaneously drunk created by Philippe Stark and creator of culinary aerosols, David Edwards of Le Laboratoire (and the man behind Aeroshots).

The product, WA|HH Quantum Sensations, is two flavored (Flash and Demon) mini sprays in cartridges which hold 2 milliliters of liquid. When sprayed, they deliver 20-25 actuations that provide an effect equivalent to a volume 1000 times its amount. WA|HH Quantum Sensations can be enjoyed as a spray directly into the mouth or onto foods of all kinds.

But the kids clamoring to find the product online (as witnessed by the numerous requests on their Facebook page) will be disappointed to learn that the effect only lasts a second and wears off immediately. The idea is to experience the sensorial pleasure much like an emotion. All that lingers is taste and a memory of the sensation.

“What happens with the WA|HH? I take my WA|HH and with a single spray I feel a touch of euphoria thanks to an infinitesimal dose, a thousand times less than a glass of alcohol. The WA|HH is a modern and intelligent alternative aligned with our own evolution, as one of the clear signs of part of the intelligent human production is dematerialization”. — Philippe Starck

above left: Philippe Starck and above right, David Edwards

“WAHH Quantum Sensations contains in each quantum of flavor just 2 ml of liquid, and yet produces 20-25 actuations of vaporous sensation. It’s ability to deliver flavor with each actuation that grows in intensity with the vapor cloud of millions of tiny micro-droplets makes WAHH an exciting food spray for the future”. — David Edwards

At the conclusion of its 14th experiment, Le Laboratoire presents the exhibition WA|HH, dedicated to the new mini spray of flavor WA|HH Quantum Sensations invented by Philippe Starck and David Edwards. An invitation to experience an explosion of culinary sensation in the smallest imaginable form.

At the origin of the experiment: an encounter. That of Philippe Starck, creator of international renown and David Edwards, founder of Le Laboratoire, Harvard Professor, and creator of the new field of aerosol cuisine. Their commonality? The re-invention of daily experience. Their exploratory ground? The immateriality of taste and texture. From their encounter comes WA|HH Quantum Sensations, a mini spray of flavor that, while extremely small (each cartridge holds 2 milliliters of liquid), delivers 20-25 actuations that provide a gustatory and olfactive effect equivalent to a volume 1000 times as voluminous. WA|HH Quantum Sensations can be enjoyed as a spray directly into the mouth or onto foods of all kinds.

The Briefest Light-Headedness
Imagine the possibility of enjoying the pleasure of alcohol without worrying about negative consequences, to have the sensation of light-headedness, without the risk of losing your senses, not to say utter drunkenness. To have the sensorial pleasure of alcohol without posing a threat to your health. This is the potential of WA|HH Quantum Sensations. The capacity to liberate alcohol flavors and transient vapor with minute quantities of alcohol in the form of tiny micro-particles*. The vapor from a single actuation produces a slight light-headedness, but it passes almost immediately. Taste and memory of an intense sensation remain. The quantity of alcohol that enters the body, what we call a quantum, is so small that the effects of WA|HH Quantum Sensations are transient, like an emotion.

WA|HH Flash Quantum

Above: When freshness offers itself as a revivifying breath, the taste buds reanimate our senses. WA|HH Flash Quantum offers a tonic flavor for a strong and instantaneous sensation. Vaporized directly the mouth, the flavors are freed on the pallet and leave a invigorating and immediate impression. Surprise guaranteed.

WA|HH Demon Quantum

above: Spice up your life? Give an instant sting for a moment of dazzling pleasure? WA|HH Demon Quantum wakes the senses up and kindles the spirit. With its spicy, wooded and slightly fruity flavors, WA|HH Demon Quantum guarantees a surprising feeling of euphoria. Ideal to vaporize on salty or sweet foods alike, WA|HH Demon Quantum offers a truly sensory exploration.

A Sensorial Exploration
Among the videos, images and scientific explanations, the exhibition of the two first flavors of the series, WA|HH Flash Quantum and WA|HH Demon Quantum, invite the visitor to powerful and distinctive sensations. Tested by spraying directly into the mouth or onto sweet and salty bites of food (to experience in the Showroom or at the Ephemeral Bar), the surprise is gripping. As Philippe Starck says – “Everyone has an occasional need of light-headedness, distraction, and another place … But our societies and codes of amusement have led to the over-consumption of alcoholic beverages as a kind of social placebo. The consequences are too familiar. With David Edwards, we asked ourselves whether we might provide the same agreeable sensation as comes with a sip of alcohol without running the risk of drunkenness. And WA|HH was born. Accent life with a magic wand, that was our desire. A spray of WA|HH and the shock is immediate, like a sensorial alarm”.

Wahh: arriva la bomboletta di Philippe Starck che dà alla testa per pochi secondi, come in una sbornia.

Effetto ubriachezza istantaneo. Basta una spruzzata e immediatamente ci si sente euforici come nella miglior ubriacatura di sempre.
Stiamo parlando di uno spray, ideato dallo scienziato David Edwards e dal mago del design Philippe Starck, pensato apposta per i bevitori pigri, quelli che vorrebbero sentirsi leggeri e allegri a effetto immediato o, per dirla con altre parole, quelli che vorrebbero prendersi una sbornia senza sforzo.
– PER OGNI SPRUZZATA 0,0075 ML DI ALCOOL. Come insegnano eventi pari al Salone del Mobile di Milano, in effetti, design e alcool vanno spesso molto d’accordo e così è stato inventato Wahh: uno spray per via orale che rilascia 0.0075 ml di alcool a ogni spruzzata, una quantità in grado di dare alla testa e far provare i sintomi tipici di quando si è ubriachi ma con effetti che durano solo per pochi secondi e, sembrerebbe, senza alcun tipo di fastidioso postumo.
Se si pensa che normalmente un cocktail contiene tra i 40 e i 60 ml di alcool, equivalente o a ben 1000 spruzzate di Wahh, l’idea può sembrare anche salutare. Sempre che non se ne abusi.
– IN UN COCKTAIL CI SONO 1000 SPRUZZATE. Certo è che l’effetto dura talmente poco che chi è in cerca di emozioni da sbornia potrebbe non sentirsi particolarmente appagato e darsi a una spruzzatina di troppo.
Senza dimenticare che la passione del bere per bere, quel gusto della libagione che è fatto di sapori e diverse gradazioni alcoliche, di cui il senso di ubriachezza può essere soltanto una conseguenza accessoria, viene completamente annullata con il metodo della spruzzata e via.
La presentazione del prodotto si è svolta il 3 maggio a Parigi: «Il punto è come fare del bene senza fare del male» ha detto Philippe Starck, «Wahh è un’alternativa che offre l’idea dell’intossicazione senza i suoi effetti negativi».
– DAL SIGARO AL CIOCCOLATO ALLA NUVOLA DI SAPORI. Lo scienziato che si è occupato della sua ideazione, Edwards, non è nuovo alle invenzioni curiose a portata d’uomo. Già nel 2008 aveva inventato Whif, un aerosol dalla taglia di un sigaro e dal sapore di cioccolato, caffè o the. Il prodotto ha venduto ben 400 mila copie nel mondo e lo ha spinto a inventare anche Whaf, nel 2009, un sistema a ultrasuoni che crea una nuvoletta di sapori grazie al miscuglio di diversi liquidi.
– UNO SPRAY ALCOLICO A PROVA DI ETILOMETRO. E ora è il turno di Wahh, lo spray per ubriacarsi in modo sicuro, tanto che secondo Jesus Diaz di Gizmodo, l’effetto alcolico svanisce così in fretta che è a prova di etilometro.
Resta da vedere il successo che una sbornia rapida e veloce, seppur senza i fastidiosi effetti collaterali dell’hangover, può avere tra giovani e non giovani europei: il prodotto è infatti in vendita soltanto in Europa al momento, al costo di 20 euro circa per una confezione da 21 spruzzate e decorata con lo speciale design di Stark.

Photos: by AFP PHOTO/Franck Fife

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